An homage to KATAMARI DAMACY for Pico8 in 1021 bytes for the #PICO1k jam
The King of all Cosmos was naughty again. He broke all the stars and sent you, the 5cm Prince, to earth with a Katamari ball to collect things of increasing size to build up a star and fix his mess
Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to steer the little Prince
Watch out! Things will fall off your Katamari ball if your try to collect something that is too big
Collect enough things with your Katamari ball to reach 64cm as fast as possible to please the King of all Cosmos.
Post a screenshot of your time on Twitter with the #PICO1k hash tag. Who knows, the King of all Cosmos might like it.
PICO1k jam and technical limits
This game was made for PICO1k jam where the goal is to make a cool game, tool or demo for the PICO8 fantasy console in 1024 bytes maximum without any music or sprites. Everything must be done with 1024 bytes of code.
PICO8 is like a tiny retro computer with a screen of 128x128 pixels, 16 colors, and chiptune sounds.
Source code
Unfortunately the audio stutters in the browser so you might prefer to copy/paste the source code below in your own Pico8 if at all possible, or try one of the executables for Windows, Linux, Mac or RaspberryPI
d=128∧=rnd?"⁶c0⁷sol1i3d1c0a0a0e0e0a0a0e0g0g0a0a0g0f#0f#0" 웃={}x=64y=64a=0◆=rectfill?"ᶜ2웃ˇ●🐱◆웃⌂⌂⌂⌂",1,4 ?"ᶜb웃ˇᶜ8●ᶜ9🐱ᶜc◆ᶜf웃ᶜd⌂ᶜ6⌂⌂⌂",0,3 ◆(42,5,44,6,13)pset(3,0,8)◆(0,1,6,3,11)◆(1,1,5,3,10)◆(2,2,4,3,14)memcpy(0,24576,▤)u=4★=5f=fillp::_::u*=1-★\64◆(20,59,90,0,4)b=btn()a+=(b%2-b\2%2)/32c=cos(a)s=sin(a)x+=c y+=s if(y!=y%111or x!=x%d)a+=.25 for i=0,28do ◆(i*5,u*28,d,d,(i+x+y)/9%8+8)end for j=0,28do i=j*u+u-2q=웃[j]or{x=∧(d);n=★\8+1;r=★-4+∧(8)}n=q.n if(n==3or n==5)q.x+=sgn(sin(j/9))/n ❎=q.x%d q.r-=.01r=q.r if(★>r)pal(2,4) if(max(abs(i-y),abs(x-❎)) ?"⁷i"..(5+sgn(r-★)).."a" if(r>★)a=∧()★=max(5,★-.25)else ★+=█ q=nil end r=max(6,r)sspr(n*8,0,8,8,❎-r/2,i-r,r,r)pal()웃[j]=q if(j==y\4)then circfill(x,y-★/2,★/2,1)r=★*.8for k=8,★,3do b=(x-y)/d+k/8sspr(k\8*8,0,8,8,x-k/2+cos(b)*k/3,y+sin(b)*k/3,k,-k)end if(s>0)f(▒+.3) spr(0,x-c*5-4,y-s*5-9)f()end end if(u>0)e=t()\.1 ◆(0,113,d,d,0)spr(0,x/4%2,117+y/4%2)?"ᶜa★⁶wᶜbkatamarᶜ71k ᶜ2@p01",10,116 ?"ᶜ5 ●"..★.."𝘤𝘮\t⧗"..e ?" ⁶w⁶tᶜa★ ᶜ7well done\nlittle prince⁶1⁶c3",12,48-u*d goto _
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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Source code error whrn paste on Pico-8 machine, p8 file possible? Thanks
A really cool implementation of Katamari for Pico-8! I did notice that as I got bigger and the screen got more cluttered it became more likely that something huge would spawn right on top of me and undo large chunks of progress. Other than that I really enjoyed it, though.
tidbits: I found it difficult to figureout the size of things i cant/should be collecting. also found it weird the little guy is the hitbox determining what goes in the ball and not the ball itself.
Thank you.
Stuff that are too big to pick have a dark shadow which goes light brown when they can be piked ;)
The hitbox is 8x8px around the base of the ball, but it’s often hard to spot the base of the ball and the little Prince really stand out with his bright outfit.
As always, brilliant work! I didn't notice the music stuttering, but you can try balancing against latency by setting the mixer audio buffer in the .html - that fixed stuttering in my project. After the "Module = {};" line do Module.arguments = ["-mix_buffer_size","4096"] or similar (the default is 1024 bytes).
An awesome tribute, Mathieu. 👏🤓
Looks great and has all the key aspects.
Alas, I don't think I'll be winning any high-scores for "time" taken tho! 😅
Nice one 👍